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Foremost discovery of Anu.

This is not about his discoveries how diseases originate and how they can and should be treated best and safe. The universal truth about governments, the rich & the world:
"I learned one simple truth about life. That is: human beings as a whole, have enough food, water and air to live. But some (countries or persons), by virtue of their birth/location, education, hard work or by chance accumulate more than what they need and thus become rich. Because they have more than they actually need, many could not get even their basic needs. This imbalance is the worst enemy of human kind. It leads to war/fight and destruction of human lives. Therefore I define, the first duty of the strongest, is to defend and protect the weakest and not to exploit them. I like to live up to my own definition"



ANURAM Educational & Charitable Trust

A trust founded for the people by Dr. Anukanth Anumanthan.
His words: Giving is Living and Living is for Giving. Share and Care. Even animals do. Why not you the human?
Our motto is (& yours should be too):

Give him a fish; You fed him once. Teach him how to fish; You gave his entire family a life!


  • Searching for your soul?
    It is there in the poor people's filled stomachs & skilled brains.
    Nobody has the resource to feed all the poor. Hence "not enough" is not an escape from our social responsiblity of the noble task of feeding the poor. There is an alternative to the impossible task of you feeding all the poor. The alternative is to train the poor to earn their food. With the objective of providing such life saving job oriented training and education to the poor in developing countries, ANURAM was founded. It is non-profit, non-governmental and strictly non-religious organization. If you have a good heart, please see below how and who we help.
  • Orphanage Schools. Fee free schools for orphans
  • Training in life saving medical technologies and cost-effective medical device development.
  • Training in biotechnologies related to affordable drug discovery and preventive techniques of environmental pollution.
  • Training in Network Development for Organ donations.
  • Training in the development and maintenance of medical informatics and health care database NETWORKS to provide free information on health hazzards, environmental pollution, drug-interaction risks, drug specificities and recommended dosages and nutrition-drug conflicts.
  • Anu's thoughts:

    Billionaires eat equal or less than ordinary hard workers eat. They also die early or late as bad as other normal people. When they get a disease for which scientists like me are yet to discover/invent medicines, their $billions can not buy them the medicines. So they die. If they think seriously about how best they could spend their money, then they would not accumulate wealth. Rather had they nvested in medical research early in their life some of us could have invented/discovered medicines. We the scientits we do not accumulate wealth. If any scientists accumulate wealth then they are not real scientists. They are pseudo scientists.

    How does one become rich?
    By stealing from hard working people. No one is thousand or million fold better/stronger/more intelligent than the rest. Rich or poor every one has only 24 hours a day. Even if the rich work 16 hours a day, and the poor work 4 hours a day, still it does not explain the million fold difference in their earning. Then how come the rich earn thousand or million fold more than the rest of the people? The governments or laws that permit such level of earning wealth by individuals are fundamentally wrong. The robbers (law makers and others who influenced them) made robbery as legally correct. The hard working people will always work hard. No need to supervise them. No need to pay in millions for those who just sit and watch (managers/supervisors/CEOs/CFOs/CTOs) the hard works done by the labors. The real contribution of this elite management group is zero. In real life, they lie about their role that they are the backbone and pillars bearing the entire loads of industries and governments. They lie that they bring in money and sustain the governments and businesses. Watch and analyze the governments (and businesses) that failed and are failing under their leadership. The end result of such failed governments (and businesses) is a huge monetary gain by and for the leaders at the cost of all basic livelihoods of the people (and workers). Are you going to work harder as usual ignoring this powerful web spun around you and hold you as slave? All the hard works you put in is being robbed. It is time to take a break from your usual hard working life and spend some of it to liberate yourself. TOGETHER WE WIN. WORK ALONE, YOU PERISH.

    How could you become intelligent?
    By listening, observing, reading, analyzing, thinking and doing. Once you learned alphabets you know how to read. You do not need teachers afterwords. All teachers repeat what is there in the books which you yourself can read. Activities can be learnt only by observing and repeating yourself. The more the time you spend in those 6 activities the more intelligent you are going to be. Memorize how to solve a problem, not the solution itself.

    Chairman's direct email ID:

    Chairman Dr. Anukanth's words

    Giving is Living and Living is for Giving. Share and Care. Even animals do. Why not you the human?

    Selected Research Publications in Immunology and Genetics by Dr. Anukanth

    Anukanth and Khorana-vision protein Rhodopsin

    Discovery of new gene CD160

    CD160 supresses immune system-Natutre Immunology

    Immune system activation by CD80 vs CD86

    Robotic gene cloning and vaccine discovery - A Harvard & MIT joint research

    Protein Expression in Pichia Pastoris

    CD74 Vs CD80 with BB1

    Anu Speech on Cancer treatment appeared in The Hindu

    Play this amazing video. You will find it is true.

Dr. Abdulkalam, Former President of India, about Anu:

Dear Dr. Anukanth Anumanthan,

I was happy to receive your mail and delighted to see your profound knowledge in multiple fields, particularly biomedical and bioinformatics. I would like to wish you all the best in the discovery of protein drugs and cancer immune drugs. I congratulate you for your postdoctoral works with Dr. Har Gobind Khorana and your current research at Harvard Medical School. When I was reading your mail, I was moved by the type of vision you have for the medical science and also your concern for your birth-place and our country. Dear Dr. Anukanth, after reading the summary of thoughts of your life, I feel, you are indeed a role model to many of us, particularly for any human being with a soul. I am particularly impressed with your thoughts, "…I learned one simple truth about life. That is human beings as a whole, have enough food, water and air to live. But some (countries or persons), by virtue of their birth/location, education, hard work or by chance accumulate more than what they need and thus become rich. Because they have more than they actually need, many could not get even their basic needs. This imbalance is the worst enemy of human kind. It leads to war/fight and destruction of human lives. Therefore I define, the first duty of the strongest, is to defend and protect the weakest and not to exploit them. I like to live up to my own definition…". What a beautiful thought in the present context! My greetings to you and to your family. Like you, I am also thinking to start a trust in which I would like to imbibe some of your views.

With best wishes,

APJ Abdul Kalam

After digesting the long email wrote by Anu to Kalam, Kalam picks up a short phrase and highlights here with quotes "I learned one simple truth about life. ..I like to live up to my own definition". What impressed Dr. Adbulkalam's mind, would get your brain too if you think honest and serious. -Anu

Anu to the people of the world:

We are not animals to be ruled and controlled. We are born free and born leaders. The leaders and rulers of the governments, political organizations, industries and NGOs are all our employees. We own them. We pay their actual salaries directly or indirectly with our own sweat and blood. Forget not, they are not our bosses. We are their bosses. Join me to promote 'We For Ourselves -WFO' a people's movement to create a world where no one is a leader of others and all of us are leaders with equal rights, power, opportunities and above all equal responsibilities.