Plants, the vital organism

Only a very few organisms (e.g. chemosynthetic bacteria) can convert chemical energy into food energy. They are not consumed by higher organism as food. All higher organisms (heterotrophs) solely rely on phototrophs. Only phototrophs have the ability to harvest light and synthesize amino acids and carbohydrates by taking carbon and other resources from air and earth. Plants, algae and a few bacteria belong to this phototrophs family. Plants and algae are the only food source for all higher species including humans. Herbivores (certain animals, birds, fish, etc) eat plants, plant products and alage. Cornivores (meat eating species like, lion, tiger, wolf, etc) eat the meat of the animals, birds, fish etc). Omnivores (human and ceratin animals like bear, dog, etc) eat both plant products and meat. Bacteria and fungi do the final job of digesting out the meat and plants and convert them into fertilizers for plants. Thus the cyle goes all over again. So, without plants (phototrophs) nothing can live on earth (except chemosynthetic bacteria). Thus agro industries and farming are inevitable for human lives. Scientists and technologists at ANURAM focus on both the vital components of life: 1. Food, & 2. Medicine. We and invent, discover and also look deep into every scientific and technological break through happening around the world. We combine and integrate all the high tech components of ours and others. We engineer and supply novel forms of seeds and nursery plants by cutting edge tissue culture techniques. We provide various technologies for advanced farming, integrated farming and indoor farming. Agro industries, governments and farmers can approach ANURAM for all your needs.

Cinque Terre

Integrated Farming

Integrated Farming is a whole farm management system. All materials obtained from living organisms are biodegradable, biodigestible and reusable. Nature itself reuses taking biomaterials into a cycle as described in the previous section. Other than the natural recycling, humans also design own recycle system where one biological waste being treated as the feed for the other. Or even follow the natural cycle with components of our own meticulous selections. Some species will go well with the cycling process. ANURAM's scientists of various branches work together to engineer novel structures of integrated farms. We integrate various cutting edge farming technologies, multiple products within a limited land/space available and, fully organic farming within a controlled environment. Though there are several companies that may offer products for integrated farming, ANURAM's expertise in tissue culture, cloning and genetic engineering technologies make our organization as world number one in this field. If you plan to do any integrated farming indoor or out door, please consult us. You will definitely gain a lot with our help. In picture on the left, you will see different combinations of integrated farming systems suggested by FAO of UN.
Some combinations are better suited for indoor. For example, hydroponic greens (lettuce types) system and tilapia will combine very well. In indoor farming water wastage will be minimal and thus farming can be done in all seasons even in tropical as well as cold weather countries. The same indoor effects can be created with climate controlled polyhouse structures. In countries where government subsidies are available for such advanced farming styles, ANURAM can provide excellent technologies. We offer everything starting from design of the farming structure, materials, execution labour, water pumping system, water purification system, seed for planting, and complete technical knowhow.

Hydrophonic/aerophonic Farming

Plants do not need soil for their growth. All that they need are some simple small molecules (nutrients), light, water and air. With these elements they manufacture large amounts of foods and thus support all living species on the earth. Farming on lands was the most primitive form originally developed by ancient people. Now the science of plant growth and requirements of plants have been well established. For several species of plants we need very little support to hold the plants. The roots can float around. Nutrients can be supplied to the roots directly. Air and light can be supplied to the leaves of the plants. This efficient engineering makes the plants to utilize their full potential for production of foods. We do continuous research in the field of discovery of optimal medium of growth specific to different plant species and also the best methods of nutrients supply. We fine tune the supply of wavelengths of light specific to each plant species and also the effects of sound waves.

Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre

Vertical Farming

If plants do not require soil for their growth, what could stop us from creating towers for plants similar to hundreds of storey building towers built for human living? How many different structures can we create that could provide sufficient and efficient supply of plant nutrients? How can we optimize many different parameters including cost to maximize farmers’ profit? All these questions are meticulously answered by our scientists at ANURAM. The net outcomes were amazing novel variety of vertical farming structures.

Plant Tissue Culture Farming

Tissue culture is one of the oldest technologies of human discovery. From the day humans observed that the different sections of plants gave rise to full plants, they have been practicing it. But ANURAM takes this technology to the next step. We identify best strains and propagate them from different tissue forms of the pants. These best varieties are cloned to give identical plants of best fruiting capacity at very short time. This way the farmers save huge amount of time from staring their planting to harvesting. This time save also save the plants from pests and insects as their time of such pathogens become limited. If you couple this scientific breakthrough with integrated farming under controlled environment, 100% organic farming with no requirement for pesticides & insecticides become possible.

Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre

Herbal Farming

Most of the medicines synthesized in industries are originally discovered from plants and other lower organisms. Some plants have medicinal properties that work exceptionally well in curing certain diseases. This field is under utilized and still in infant stage. Not many systematic researches have been done to verify the potential medicinal properties of the plants with proper controls. The very starting point of isolating all the small molecules produced by plants and documenting their names itself was not initiated yet. Chinese and Indian traditional herbal medicinal plants are large in number. With proper research companies can make huge financial gains. We at ANURAM clone and maintain some rare species of herbs. We also provide herbal plants for farming and ways to market them.

Shrimp, Lobster & SeaCucumber

In most countries the fish industry has been brought as a component under the agro industries. Indoor fish farming and fish farming integrated with agro crop farming will bring in cash incentives making agriculture a sustainable and profitable industry. We clone and propagate various special species and also special strains of other highly consumed species. We provide all the technical helps to fish farming from small indoor to large out door fish farming and also fish farming integrated with other plants and animal farming where the wastes and excretions of one form become food for another. This way with very little investment, farmers can reap better income.

One of the major problems for failure of shrimp and other high value, high density fish farming is the infected and weak fingerlings (seedlings). Many hatcheries are not owned maintained and operated by high-tech scientists. They were not trained in sterile techniques and give very little importance to quality control. But ANURAM's founder Dr. Anukanth is a highly skilled, the best scientist. He has handled clinical samples and have done immune cell engineering and stem cell engineering for treating human patients. Scientists at ANURAM are all personally trained by Dr. Anukanth. No other hatcheries in the world can be compared to ANURAM in terms of quality and technology.

Video: industrial building converted into a hightech indoor tilapia farm

A hightech indoor tilapia hatchery Industry