Biotech and Meditech - Bench to Bed and Beyond

Forget not: The ultimate objective of every living being is to

"remain alive!"

$Billions is useless for a dead person.
$Billions worth of wealth will not buy a medicine that was not discovered/invented yet.

As a human being if one focuses exclusively in earning/amassing wealth, when gets diseases, what would to buy to treat the diseases and stay alive? If one calls herself/himself as smart and that is why she/he focuses on earning money, we could only laugh at that person's ignorance. Some people among humans should dedicate their lives without living normal relaxing lives and discover medicines to save human lives. Are these brilliant dedicated intellectuals who could use their brain to inventing/discovering life saving medicines less smart than those making $billions? NO, definitely not. They do so and though they know their effort is much more valuable than $billions but still give out those medicines to saving lives as it is the right thing to do. Medicines are life saving materials, not money making business. Ageing (which is also a type of disease) and diseases are the factors most of the living beings including humans end their life due to. Wars, accidents and murders cause very minimal deaths compared to diseases. Emperors of the past, billionaires, rich business people, strongest fighters, most entertaining persons and powerful political leaders all become powerless and succumb to diseases and die. It is strange that even after crystal clear understanding that their death is going to be mostly due to want of medicine, not want of money, most of the humans still are looking to earn money. ANURAM's scientists are humans with enormous wisdom and thus dedicate their entire lives in discovering/inventing newer medicines all the time of their entire life without retiring to save human lives and not waste their lives in discovering/inventing weapons to kill mortal humans. Anuram scientists know the truth: Leave alone, humans will die due to diseases and ageing.

Why do we waste our time and money to invent something to kill humans, as if humans are immortal and need some special weapons or reagents to kill them!!!

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ANURAM's scientists are with no greed for money or fame. So they are able to focus on discovering life saving real medicines and not moneymaking wrong drugs that other companies are making. ANURAM exclusively focuses on translational research of drug discovery with a proprietary integrated medicine discovery platform that integrates traditional alternative medical systems of several thousands years of research and practice with the modern western medicinal systems. ANURAM's philosophy is "No stone should be left unturned when searching for life saving medicines". ANURAM scientists combine strong theoretical super computing tools like bioinformatics, computational biology, computer assisted drug design, total genome sequence analysis, whole system biology, and miniaturized micro-array robotic femto technology and every other ultra experimental tools. Yes. Ours is not nano or even pico but femto technology. We go to atomic level. We use high-tech robots for automation, ultra high sensors of detection and all types of microchips as the major platform of discovery. The reason: This is the only way to discover global drugs and vaccines to take care of all ethnic people. A drug discovered using largely white Caucasians during discovery phase is not likely to protect genetically much different other ethnic populations.

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ANURAM's approach: Global, Global, Global all the way.

Medical field has come through a revolution. Individualization and globalization are the two mantras of modern medical treatment approach. When it comes to treating particular diseases, each individual's genome has to be sequenced. If receptors to receive and respond to a particular medicine are missing or mutated in a patient, then even huge dose of medicine is going to have no good effect on the patient. Rather administration of such wrong drugs will only have more bad effects harming the patient Please visit our Diagnostic Services section to learn more.

Gone are the days of an organ specific or symptom specific treatment. Combined break through in several biotech and meditech instrumentation developments led to a completely new world of research approach. Doctors and scientists are now coming to understand the importance of treating the whole body as opposed to treating only the symptom or the affected part of the body unless otherwise the disease is purely local and organ specific. Drugs discovered by classical methods are no longer being trusted as good drugs to use for treatment. So, ANURAM integrated the discovery process itself as global as possible and as total as possible. For example, ANURAM completely avoids manufacturing or recommending manufacturing any killed or attenuated-live pathogens as vaccines. ANURAM strongly advocates against the use of any material that may have even trace amount of non-human DNA as vaccines or medicines, irrespective of mode of delivery whether injected, oral nasal or dermal. Please visit our Vaccines section to learn more.

Disease: understanding of its origin and ANURAM's treatment methods

ANURAM does not discover or develop new drug candidates or treatment methods blindly focusing just on the disease or on the affected organ or on the pathogen that caused. At ANURAM we deeply study the system biology, genes associated with the origin, maintenance and spread of the life threatening diseases. We also research deeply into the failure of the patient's immune system in doing its job. Prevention, discovery and destruction of the disease or disease-causing pathogens and materials are the sole job of immune system. That is why we at ANURAM research the immune system so deeply. Consider for example Cancer. It can never be fully treated by surgery, radiation and chemo. Surgery may be used as a first stage treatment option to remove large portion of solid tumor cells. After that how do we take care of the residual cancer cells and prevent it from becoming a full blown cancer in a few months or a year? Are there other treatment options? Yes there are. Visit our Cancer section to learn more about stem cell therapy and cancer immune therapy.

Stem cells: Regeneration of cells and Reversal of ageing

The right time to save enough money for the future of our retired aged life is when we are young and have strength to earn. We all know and many of us save. While we are careful about money, how come we completely ignored about our body? Don't we want our body to save some of its currencies for its future aged life? Yes. It needs. But our body does not know how to store. That is where ANURAM scientists help. We can harvest cord blood cells at child birth and store frozen so that your children can never be out off their young stem cells. In future when your children are in a stage (diseased or met an accident) and they need to replenish cells, we will take the frozen stock and thaw and multiply the stem cells to infuse into your children's body.

Unfortunately we did not know this when we were young; our parent did not know this as this knowledge was not available there then. Are we done then? No. We have options. We can take different tissues and blood from your body and store them for future. Or we can create stem cells from tissues and blood we harvested from your own body and store them for your future needs. Visit ANURAM's Stem cells section to learn more about your opportunities to reverse your ageing and become to live again with youth.

We never know who will get what type of diseases in the future. Or what type of accidents we may encounter and what organ might get affected for ever. For our body, the money in the banks' savings accounts is the cells we harvest now from our body. We start with fewer cells we stored frozen and thaw and convert into stem cells. We multiply those stem cells and infuse into your own body. Sometime we may have to convert those induced stem cells into the type of cells your body needs and then infuse. These cells will grow further more inside your body and live longer and serve. You don't have to worry that you would lose when we take out cells from your body. Any tissue or blood we take from you, your body will re-grow and replenish them within few days or few weeks depending up on what tissues we removed. In other words we will harvest only those cells that your body can grow back and replenish the lost cells within few days.

Recombinant vaccines versus killed or attenuated live virus vaccines

Usually an antigen presenting cell presents (APC)a small peptide of 8-11 amino acids specific to the infected pathogen. There are only few such peptides that would be chosen by the APCs of the entire human population. It is not going to be single peptide that all individual's APCs are going select and present. APCs of ethnically different people may present different peptide and also viruses of different geographic location may differ in their peptide sequences. If immune system is going to recognize and respond to only a small peptide, why do we then inject the whole virus, dead or alive? What is the role of viral DNAs in immune protection? If DNAs are not going to be used by APCs for recognition and responding, why do we then inject the dangerous viral DNAs into humans in the name of vaccination? Because that is what our industrialists and pseudo scientists are able to produce until now. Have you heard of viral promoters? Anyone worked in a molecular biology lab would know about it. It is a piece of DNA of varying length that promotes transcription DNA into mRNA. Some promoters yield more mRNA. Most of them are from bacterial viruses or from mammalian viruses. Most of the plasmid vectors used to produce biosimilar therapeutic native human proteins contain only viral promoters from viruses CMV, SV40, etc. and some from the dangerous retro viruses too. These sequences are also present in all the virus vaccines other than the recombinant vaccines. DNAs in general get integrated into other DNA easily either at places where see a fragment of similar sequence (legitimate recombination) or randomly at will (illegitimate recombination). Suppose they insert into genome upstream of oncogenes, oncogenes will get transcribed and onco proteins will be produced in large quantities creating cancer disease. They may insert anywhere in the genome and into the germline cells and thus would get carried for generations producing mutant of humans. The governments that block germline editing also compels us to get injected with vaccines containing DNA and thus allowing germline editing. The only difference between vaccine mediated germline DNA alteration and scientists initiated germline editing is that in the latter scientists have full control of what they put in and what they take out, whereas in the former nobody has any control. One can only laugh at these pseudo scientists and politicians. ANURAM does not have pseudo scientists and thus neither discover, nor produce, nor recommend to produce any such vaccines that include pathogens' DNAs.

ANURAM's Robotic High Throughput Vaccine Discovery

A real global vaccine discovery platform that integrates dedicated robots with femto level label free signal detection screening

A global vaccine should have been discovered involving as diverged ethnic population as possible at the discovery stage itself. This approach will have minimal failure at the clinical trial stage. If we include all the surface expressed genes of the pathogen for the screening at the discovery stage, then clinical trial success would become 100%. In other words if the pathogen has a peptide or peptides that the human immune system can recognize and respond, they would have been included in the screening assay as the ANURAM's discovery process includes all genes not a select set. The current vaccine discovery approaches of industries and academic institutes suffer few major drawbacks. 1. No whole genome approach; working on one or two select gene set of pathogens as vaccine candidates. Probability of missing out real vaccine candidates is higher. 2. Discovery stage is mostly based with non human system. This approach has high failure rate at clinical trials which is done with humans. 3. Screening approach includes labelled secondary reagents for signal discovery. This approach suffers false positive due to the inclusion of intermediate reactive molecules that are nothing to do with the function of actual immune system. 4. Clinical trials mostly done with select set of ethnic people. This biased approach followed by many companies is with a hidden objective of projecting the vaccine candidates as effective vaccines. In reality these vaccines may fail if a larger set of ethnic people is included at the trial. Let us see the importance of why ANURAM avoids all these drawbacks little more in details.

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1. No whole genome approach

This would be big problem with vaccine discovery for pathogens with large number of genes. For example out of 4000 genes of mycobacterium tuberculosis 700-800 genes will have proteins expressed on the cell surface. A protein of 300 amino acids will produce 293 peptide of 8 amino acids length. When multiplied with 700 genes give over 200,000 peptides for human immune system to select from. A company working one or two target protein has only a meager 0.3% success rate. But at ANURAM, we handle the whole genome and thus our success rate is 100%. Why other companies do not do at the genome level? It requires a highly sophisticated knowledge and expertise of using robots and high end computing starting from oligo design, synthesis, PCR, gene cloning, sequencing, sequence verification, protein expression, protein purification, handling membrane proteins in solutions, protein micro array preparations, protein micro array screening and data analysis. ANURAM possess all those and its scientific team is a pioneer in this cutting edge tomorrow's technology.

2. ANURAM's human based discovery system Vs others non-human based systems

If we lose a diamond ring somewhere in a dark part of a street, will you search for the ring at a different place where there is light just because that is where the light is? What is the probability of finding the ring at the lights? Zero, is it not? This is the same story of using non-human screening system at discovery stage while our intention is to find a vaccine for humans. Why we use a different system and spend lots of time and money and then set up a clinical trial where there is a better probability of failing. Other companies spent much money and time up to the end of preclinical stage and then start clinical trials. At ANURAM, we start from human system, discover from human system and rarely do any animal studies including primate studies as they are not required as our discovery stage itself is with humans. ANURAM's top level management team of scientists and think tank deeply think and analyze before investing its time and money. If you are an investor, think carefully before investing. We are the best bet for you.

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3. ANURAM's label-free screening system Vs others labelled systems

In an attempt to make a low signal into visible enough to sensors various biotech companies use labelled detection. Some of the labeling reagents are bulky enough to spoil or alter the real interaction. At ANURAM we always try to avoid labelled reagents in our detection. We try our best to stay close to maintain the natural biomolecular interactions so that we do not run into false positives. False positives waste enormous human resources, time and money. They are real killers of big projects.

4. ANURAM's global screening system Vs others local screening systems

Scarce in the availability of test samples from diverse ethnic population and also patients are two reasons for companies non diversifying. Another reason is that the market volume from third world countries would be minimal compared to that in developed countries and hence they ignore. Or some companies may select only patients from third world countries as the cost of trail and samples will be far less. At ANURAM we always diversify our sample as much as we could in include samples and patients from all distinct ethnic and demographic people as we can.

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